Junckers Ltd
Specifying Sustainable Flooring CPD

This RIBA approved presentation is aimed at providing candidates with a good understanding of the role solid hardwood floors can play in sustainable building design. Wood is a carbon neutral material and specifying the correct wooden floor can produce a measurable reduction in global warming. We provide candidates with an understanding of why this is so, and to help them realise the potential of solid wood floors over the extended life span of the product.
Presentation Details:
This Presentation will provide:
– how specifying sustainable flooring contributes to sustainable architecture and net zero design
– how a product with a long life cycle has a positive impact on the environment
– how wood keeps CO2 out of the atmosphere
– how to use EPDs and manufacturers’ tools to evaluate different products at the design stage
You can watch this presentation online for free. You will be sent a CPD certificate after watching the video presentation and completing the request form.
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This presentation is provided by Junckers Ltd.
Unit 5, Warren Yard
Warren Park
Wolverton Mill
Milton Keynes
MK12 5NW
Website: www.junckers.co.uk

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